IAESTE Australia

Are you a student?

Do you want to go overseas and gain some experience relevant to your degree? Well IAESTE Australia has internships available all over the world in predominately science, engineering and IT. Also, being a student-run organisation, we are always looking for members to join our committee!

Are you an alumni?

The IAESTE alumni network makes it possible to stay in touch or re-establish contact between old IAESTE friends. It is valuable both for those who have been actively involved with IAESTE and those who have fond memories of an IAESTE traineeship.

Are you an employer?

If you are looking for student interns at your workplace then IAESTE can help you out. We have access to a worldwide pool of talented students in all sorts of technical fields and by joining IAESTE your company will join the community, which includes organisations such as Siemens, Boeing and Microsoft.

“We have been involved with the IAESTE program now for over five years. The students that have come to our laboratories have been enthusiastic, capable, and well liked by the staff. The variety of cultural backgrounds has enriched our workplace and I highly recommend the program to other employers.”
Research Director
CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies

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